Logo, Revised Edition, The reference guide to symbols and logotypes, Laurence King Publishing, by Michael Evamy, London, UK, February 2021 (English)
Modern Heraldry: Volume 1 and 2, Seals, Stamps, Crests & Shields, compiled and published by Counter-Print, a vast resource trademarks, based on heraldic symbology, from all around the world, London, UK, Volume 1: 2015, Reprinted April 2020, Volume 2: April 2020 (English)
AIGA Eye on Design,, Design Diary, Stereohype celebrates its 15th birthday, London, UK, 29 November 2019 (English)
Brilliant Logo – Logo design collection by motif, by BNN, 4 September 2017 (Japanese and partially English)
Art Marks, by Counter-Print, 29 November 2016 (English)
Design Week,, Stereohype button badge design competition winners, London, UK, 23 November 2016 (English)
Digital Arts,, News, These are the Best Button Badge Designs of 2016, London, UK, 16 November 2016 (English)
Rollacoaster, magazine #20, Autumn / Winter issue, Utopia, Eutopia section, selected Stereohype badges including some designed by FL@33, pp.186–195 (Stereohype on pp.188–189), London, UK, July 2016 (English)
Page / e-mag,, Kreation, Website Relaunch von Grafik Art Label »Stereohype«, (v.2), by Miriam Harringer, Hamburg, Germany, 17 April 2015 (German)
Digital Arts,, News, Browse Stereohype's entire button badge range on revamped site, by Michael Burns, London, UK, 6 April 2015 (English)
Netdiver,, Stereohype v.2, posted by Carole Guevin, Montreal, Canada, 2 April 2015 (English)
Logo (Mini Edition), Laurence King Publishing, by Michael Evamy, London, UK, February 2015 (English)
It's Nice That,, Gavin Lucas picks his favourites from Stereohype's 10th birthday buttons, posted by Emily Gosling, London, UK, 5 November 2014 (English)
Creative Review,, Ten years of button badges, Stereohype 2004-2014, with interview excerpts, by Rachael Steven, London, UK, 20 October 2014 (English)
Stereohype 2004–2014, 10 Years, 1,000 Button Badges, Over 300 Contributors — FL@33-designed anniversary book, London, UK, September 2014 (English)
Creative Review,, London Design Festival: LCC 160, Stereohype 2004–2014, by Rachael Steven, London, UK,
17 September 2014 (English)
LCC 160 exhibition: 50 + 100 + 10 (video), exhibitors and curators interviewed – including FL@33 and Stereohype co-founder and creative director Tomi Vollauschek, London, UK,
16 September 2014 (English)
Digital Arts,, News, London, UK, 25 August 2014 (English)
Design Week,, A Few Of My Favourite Sneakers, London, UK, 2 May 2013 (English)
How,, Illustrated Badges to Get Your Ideas Running, Blue Ash, Ohio, USA, 2 May 2013 (English)
Étapes: international,, FL@33 Project Stereohype: B.I.O. Button Badge Series, Paris, France, 31 May 2012 (English)
Page / e-mag,, Habitat goes button, Triumph des Button: FL@33 für Habitat, Hamburg, Germany, 31 October 2011 (German)
SFi – Special Feature issue (by invitation only),, FL@33 profile / interview, Montreal, Canada, May 2011 (English)
Page / e-mag,, FL@33 profile / interview, Hamburg, Germany, January 2011 (German)
Digital Arts, Creative Freedom feature, January 2011 issue, London, UK, December 2010 (English)
Designers’ Identities, FL@33 profile / case study, Laurence King Publishing, by Liz Farrelly, London, UK, November 2010 (English)
Ari, issue 2, books: Made & Sold mention, Thailand, June 2010 (English and Thai)
Digital Arts, February issue, Draw Some Ca$h feature, FL@33 interview excerpts, London, UK, January 2010 (English)
British Design 2010, Bis Publishers, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, November 2009 (English)
Computer Arts Project, 130, December issue, Underground Inspirations feature and Made & Sold review, London, UK, November 2009 (English)
Page, December issue, Made & Sold review, Hamburg, Germany, November 2009 (German)
Computer Arts, 159, Online Outlets, London, UK, March 2009 (English)
Digital Arts, May issue, Sell Your Designs, London, UK, April 2008 (English)
Artrocker, 74, B.I.O. 5 launch, London, UK, January 2008 (English)
Logo, Laurence King Publishing, by Michael Evamy, London, UK, October 2007 (English)
Adobe Insider, September 2007, FL@T Hunting, FL@33 profile / interview, August 2007 (English)
Hitspaper interviews (, by Arata Sasaki, Tokyo, Japan, August 2007 (English and Japanese)
Poster-Art, RotoVision, by Charlotte Rivers, London, UK, May 2007 (English)
Étapes: international, 7, Pinning Hopes, Paris, France, January 2007 (English)
Seasonal Affective Design (S. A. D.), 2, winter 2006 / 07, 4-page FL@33 profile / interview, Chesterfield, Derbyshire, UK, January 2007 (English)
Computer Arts, 132, February issue, Good Month – Badges of Honour, London, UK, January 2007 (English)
Dpi, vol. 91, 10-page FL@33 profile / interview, Taipei City, Taiwan, November 2006 (Chinese and English)
Tres Logos, Gestalten, by R. Klanten, N. Bourquin, T. Geiger, Berlin, Germany, October 2006 (English)
Novum – World of Graphic Design, October issue, Ansteckendes Design, Munich, Germany, September 2006 (German)
DNA Identity, Index Book, by Pedro Guitton, Barcelona, Spain, July 2006 (English)
What is Graphic Design For?, RotoVision, by Alice Twemlow, East Sussex, May 2006 (English)
Eye, 58, winter issue, London, UK, winter 2005 / 06 (English)
Computer Arts, 115, November issue, Expose yourself, FL@33 case study, London, UK, October 2005 (English)
WGSN, Top Drawer Fast Track, Stereohype, London, UK, 5 October 2005 (English)
IdN, vol. 12, number 3, FL@33 launch Stereohype, Hong Kong, summer 2005 (English)
Page, July issue, Anstecklust, FL@33 / mention, B.I.O. (by invitation only) button badge series,Hamburg, Germany, July 2005 (German)
Design & Designer 33 – FL@33, Pyramyd Editions, FL@33 monograph, Paris, France, May 2005 (English and French)
And – Art and Design Magazine, 10-page FL@33 profile / interview, Beijing, China, April 2005 (Chinese)
Cool Hunting,, Stereohype Shirts, by Josh Spear, USA, 11 February 2005 (English)
Grafik, 124, Flat Out, FL@33 / Stereohype solo expo, London, UK, December 2004 (English)
Grafik, 121, Fashion issue, Nice T, London, UK, September 2004 (English)
Illustrators' Summer Fair 2024 inside Granary Building's entrance hall The Crossing, Granary Square, King's Cross, London N1C 4BH,
13 July 2024
Illustrators' Summer Fair 2023 inside Granary Building's entrance hall The Crossing, Granary Square, King's Cross, London N1C 4BH,
8 July 2023
Illustrators' Winter Fair 2023 inside Granary Building's entrance hall The Crossing, Granary Square, King's Cross, London N1C 4BH,
9 December 2023
Type Talks Series: Tomi Vollauschek — Tomi Vollauschek Type Talk with Q&A at Cambridge College of Art / A.R.U. Anglia Ruskin University, UK, 13 March 2023
Illustrators' Winter Fair 2022 inside Granary Building's entrance hall The Crossing, Granary Square, King's Cross, London N1C 4BH,
10 December 2022
Illustrators' Summer Fair 2022 inside Granary Building's entrance hall The Crossing, Granary Square, King's Cross, London N1C 4BH,
16 July 2022
Royal College of Art (RCA) Zoom Webinar .A (point A) Graphic Reflections — A curated live-streamed video conference with selected RCA Alumni – including FL@33's Tomi Vollauschek – in support of RCA 2020 graduates – and now also available for all, 30 July 2020
House of Illustration's Winter Fair 2019 inside Granary Building's entrance hall The Crossing, Granary Square, King's Cross, London N1C 4BH,
14 December 2019
ECV Lille, design residency 2019 – FL@33 masterclass workshop and lecture — FL@33's Tomi Vollauschek masterclass workshop and lecture at ECV Lille, France, 8 January – 1 February 2019. Lecture: 30 January 2019.
House of Illustration's Winter Fair 2018 inside Granary Building (entrance hall The Crossing), Granary Square, King's Cross, London N1C 4BH,
8 December 2018
House of Illustration's Summer Fair 2018 King's Cross, London, 2 Granary Square, N1C 4BH,
30 June 2018
Illustrators' Christmas Fair 2017 King's Cross, London, 2 Granary Square, N1C 4BH,
9 December 2017
ECV Lille, design residency 2016 – FL@33 workshop and lecture at École de Communication Visuelle, Lille, France, 12–15 April 2016
Stereohype 2004–2014, celebrated 10 years of Stereohype – FL@33's experimental playground and international platform – and the collection reaching 1,000 button badges by over 300 contributors. The exhibition opened as part of London Design Festival 2014 and as part of '160' – a series of exhibitions hosted by the London College of Communication (LCC) in London. 13 Sep – 8 Nov (Extra week added – exhibition extended due to popular demand, was 31 Oct), Lower Street Gallery, LCC, London, UK.
High Noon Special #33 – FL@33's Tomi Vollauschek – public lecture at h_da (FbG), Darmstadt High Noon Special #33, Hochschule Darmstadt, Fachbereich Gestaltung (formerly known as FH Darmstadt), University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Design, Darmstadt, Germany, 22 May 2013.
Sweatshop, T-shirt exhibition, Graphic Design Festival Breda (GDFB), The Netherlands, 23 May – 29 June 2008
A Scrumptious Christmas event, Stereohype stand, London, UK, 2 December 2006
Top Drawer Autumn Fair, Stereohype stand, Grand Hall Olympia, London, UK, 11–13 September 2005
FL@33 solo exhibition 8min 20sec with Stereohype collection 2004/05 launch, Zotoprod space, Paris, France, 1 December 2004 – 14 January 2005
October 31st, 2024 — This new personal S.A.V. ≶ monogram is a striking blend of minimalism and symbolism for a young man destined for success. The FL@33-designed logo was printed on deluxe business cards. We posted a few pictures here.
August 28th, 2024 — New identity system with playful logo and social media assets for Jan von Holleben latest adventure: Kids Love Photography – a new imprint focusing on lovely photography books for children.
December 9th, 2022 — Please come and visit us today at the amazing Illustrators' Winter Fair 2022 in London, inside Granary Building, Granary Square, King's Cross, 11am–5pm.
December 3rd, 2022 — The FL@33-curated B.I.O. (By Invitation Only) Button Badge Series 22 for Stereohype and was added to the graphic art label's now 1777-strong badge collection. Fresh new Fine Art Prints were also released for Stereohype's Button Badge Motif Print Edition.
December 2nd, 2022 — See the stats, winners and shortlist of Stereohype's 18th annual Button Badge Design Competition 2022 (STBBDC).
September 5th, 2022 — Extended deadline to enter: 18th annual Stereohype Button Badge Design Competition
July 21st, 2022 — Call for entries: 18th annual Stereohype Button Badge Design Competition.
July 16th, 2022 — Please come and visit us today at the amazing Illustrators' Summer Fair 2022 in London, inside Granary Building, Granary Square, King's Cross, 11am–5pm.
November 24th, 2021 — The FL@33-curated B.I.O. (By Invitation Only) Button Badge Series 21 for Stereohype and was added to the graphic art label's now 1713-strong badge collection. Fresh new Fine Art Prints were also released for Stereohype's Button Badge Motif Print Edition.
September 3rd, 2021 — Extended deadline to enter: 17th annual Stereohype Button Badge Design Competition
June 15th, 2021 — CJV – A slightly abstract personal monogram for a young Renaissance man with a bright future ahead of him. The minimal FL@33-designed logo was printed on deluxe business cards. We posted a few pictures here.
April 15th, 2021 — Out now: FL@33-designed deluxe gift boxes for Button Badge Motif Print sets.
March 31st, 2021 — Now available to watch: The video recording of Royal College of Art (RCA) Zoom Webinar .A (point A) Graphic Reflections. The curated live-streamed video conference with selected Royal College of Art Alumni – including FL@33's Tomi Vollauschek – was organised in support of RCA 2020 graduates – and is now also available for all.
March 17th, 2021 — The revised edition of the logo design bible Logo: The reference guide to symbols and logotypes by Michael Evamy is now available with our publisher Laurence King Publishing. The new book includes nine FL@33-designed logos.
December 4th, 2020 — Our latest contributions to Stereohype's FL@33-curated B.I.O. (By Invitation Only) Button Badge Series 20 and Button Badge Motif Print edition. FL@33's Tomi Vollauschek contributed seven airport-related photographs to reflect the strange times our movement and travel is restricted.
November 21st, 2020 — FL@33 developed and designed and a new product range for Stereohype: themed advent calendars with 24 (+1) Stereohype button badges. Simply peel off the daily stickers and reveal the badge of the day.
August 21st, 2020 — Save the squirrel, save the world. It is done. At last. The Stereohype squirrel has been saved. See the full documentation of the #SaveTheStereohypeSquirrel epoxy resin outdoor sculpture experiment with the aim to resurrect the collapsed cardboard sculpture FL@33 originally created for an indoor exhibition back in 2014.
December 4th, 2019 — Our contributions to Stereohype's FL@33-curated B.I.O. (By Invitation Only) Button Badge Series 19 and Button Badge Motif Print edition. FL@33's Tomi Vollauschek created four minimal creations for vinyl lovers – a celebration of the good old 7" single record and various 45rpm Adaptors – the title of this set.
November 30th, 2019 — AIGA Eye on Design,, Design Diary, Stereohype celebrates its 15th birthday, by Emily Gosling.
June 18th, 2019 — the new extra long and comprehensive catch-up FL@33 Newsletter #7 celebrating FL@33's 18th birthday!
June 14, 2019 — Check out our Instagram channel (@flat33studio) where we post observations, happy accidents, really beautiful things and also the odd ugly gem – all sorts of shenanigans in other words – and currently also ancient oddities from our work archive.
June 4th, 2019 — New packaging design for Stereohype: 15th Stereohype anniversary matchbox-style gift boxes.
May 20th, 2019 — Call for entries: 15th annual Stereohype Button Badge Design Competition
January 30th, 2019 — Evening lecture by Tomi Vollauschek as part of a 5-day FL@33 design residency at ECV Lille (École de Communication Visuelle / School of Visual Communication), France.
June 28th, 2018 — Please come and visit us at the amazing House of Illustration's Summer Fair 2018 this weekend in London, Saturday, 30 June 2018, 11am–5pm.
April 18th, 2018 — Call for entries: 14th annual Stereohype Button Badge Design Competition
September 4th, 2017 — Brilliant Logo – Logo design collection by motif, by BNN in Japan is out now and includes 11 FL@33-designed logos.
April 7th, 2017 — Stereohype launched this year's call for entries for the 13th annual Button Badge Design Competition and we are of course part of the jury panel again. Happy badge-designing and good luck!
February 27th, 2017 — Evening lecture by Tomi Vollauschek as part of a 5-day FL@33 design residency at ECV Bordeaux, France.
December 2nd, 2016 — FL@33 deveopled a new logo for Stereohype's new edition Button Badge Motif Prints that will all be certified using the logo as embossed certification seal.
December 1st, 2016 — Just launched: FL@33 deveopled a new range for Stereohype called Button Badge Motif Prints. The first 18 from potentially over 1000 motifs were just released – all designed by FL@33 together with an embossed certification seal that FL@33 also created.
November 30th, 2016 — It's official: ECV Bordeaux, design residency 2017 – FL@33 workshops and lecture. More info.
November 29th, 2016 — Art Marks is the latest publication by Counter Print and features two FL@33-designed logos.
November 28th, 2016 — Come and visit our Stereohype / FL@33 stand at this year's Illustrators' Christmas Fair on Saturday, December 10th, 2016, 11am–6pm. More info.
November 12th, 2016 — The FL@33-curated B.I.O. (By Invitation Only) Button Badge Series 16 for Stereohype and was added to the graphic art label's now 1244-strong badge collection.
September 9th, 2016 — Michael Evamy's book Logotype is now also available as Mini Edition featuring four FL@33-designed logos (Penrhyn Books, Weeks & Cowling, Arts Affaires, MMM-Festival). This completes Laurence King Publishing's Mini Edition book series Logo (, Stereohype, FL@33,, Toi Com Moi, Matelsom) and Symbol (École Normale de Musique de Paris, Toi Com Moi, Matelsom) and last but not least Logotype.
November 16th, 2015 — FL@33's now annual design initiative B.I.O. (By Invitation Only) Button Badge Series just went into its 15th round. B.I.O. Series 15: now available at
September 18th, 2015 — Only 3 days left to enter button badge design gems to this year's design competition by graphic art label Stereohype. More info and artwork guidelines etc on Stereohype's competition page. We'll also be judging. Good luck!
July 16th, 2015 — FL@33 will be part of the judging panel for the 11th time later this year to select the best of the best submissions to Stereohype's annual Button Badge Design Competition. The 11th call for entries has been launched and you can read all about it and get artwork guidelines etc on Stereohype's competition page.
June 4h, 2015 — A box full of our superbly printed new T-shirt arrived today and Password1 is now available at!
May 27th, 2015 — Update your weak passwords and secure the new FL@33-designed T-shirt – Password1. Screen-printed in black and enhanced with a heat pressed double hit of liquid gold. Secure yours now at!
May 27th, 2015 — The winners and shortlist of Stereohype's 10th annual Button Badge Design Competition (STBBDC) were just released. FL@33 has once again been part of the over 20-strong judging panel. Congratulations! A new call for entries was also launched at the same time. More info at
April 17th, 2015 — Steckenpferd: Designer-Badges. German Page magazine kindly posted an online article today about the freshly relaunched Stereohype v.2 website we designed.
April 7th, 2015 — DigitalArts interviewed FL@33's Tomi Vollauschek about the newly launched Stereohype v.2 website.
April 6th, 2015 — IdN in Hong Kong kindly selected the newly launched FL@33-designed Stereohype website for their Pick of the Month section.
January 29th, 2015 — Out now: Logo (Mini Edition) by Michael Evamy also including six FL@33-designed logos (, Stereohype, FL@33,, Toi Com Moi, Matelsom).
November 5th, 2014 — It's Nice That features the 10 favourite picks from Stereohype's 10th birthday buttons as selected by Gavin Lucas – author of Button Badge Pin and Stereohype 2004–2014's intro.
October 29th, 2014 —
October 20th, 2014 — Ten years of button badges, CR Blog posted a very nice article with interview excerpts today about FL@33's button badge activities such as our Stereohype 2004–2014 book, anniversary exhibition, commissioned posters and this year's B.I.O. Series.
October 14th, 2014 — Stereohype 2004–2014 that FL@33 curated and designed. We also posted all the FL@33-designed and/or art directed exhibits – including more pictures from our party squirrel sculpture – and previews of Stereohype's 10th anniversary book that is now available at
September 17th, 2014 — London Design Festival: LCC 160, CR Blog posted an article today about a series of exhibitions called '160' that includes our anniversary show Stereohype 2004–2014
August 21st, 2014 — Press release and invitation: Stereohype 2004–2014 — 10 years, 1,000 button badges, over 300 contributors, 1 exhibition, 10 specially commissioned posters (together with badge), several new product releases including B.I.O. (by invitation only) button badge series 14, call for entries for our 10th annual button badge design competition and more...
___ Please join us in London when we celebrate Stereohype's 10th anniversary – FL@33's experimental playground and international platform – with a huge exhibition. The private view will be on 18 Sep and the show will run from 13 Sep until – extended to 8 Nov (was 31 Oct). Please read the press release and invitation for all details.
August 8th, 2014 — Stereohype 2004–2014 — It's official as of today: FL@33's experimental playground and international platform for both emerging and established talents alike – Stereohype – will celebrate its 10th anniversary in style with an exhibition that will open its gate during London Design Festival 2014 and as part of '160' – a series of exhibitions hosted by the London College of Communication (LCC).
___ The FL@33-designed and curated show also marks the fact that Stereohype's popular button badge collection, created by over 300 contributors, will reach its 1,000th button badge this September, with each badge being showcased including an anniversary poster and badge project specially commissioned for the occasion. Preparations are in full swing and the official press release and invitation will be posted soon.
___ Sat 13 September – extended to Sat 8 November (was Fri 31 October), Mon–Fri 10am–5pm, Sat 11am–4pm, closed Sunday. Private View: Thu 18 September 6–9pm Hope to see you there. #st10yrs #lcc160 #ldf14
___ Location: Lower Street Gallery, London College of Communication, Elephant and Castle, London SE1 6SB
June 26th, 2014 — As of today FL@33's sister-company – graphic art label and online boutique – is offline and will be during the summer months so we can prepare Stereohype’s forthcoming 10th anniversary activities that also include the launch of a spanking new website. We plan to relaunch in October.
___ We are in the process of organising an exhibition in London to celebrate this anniversary in style but also want to party for reaching the magical number 1,000 in our ever-growing FL@33-curated button badge collection. Invites will be sent in due time.
___ News on the new website, new products, the anniversary show and other information will be released in the next few weeks and months.
___ Please follow @stereohype on Twitter and/or befriend Stereohype on Facebook or send an email to or get in touch via FL@33's channels.
November 11th, 2013 — Two super elegant limited edition button badge gift boxes with custom shoelace were released by Stereohype. Packaging design by FL@33 – they contain seven button badges each selected from the AFOMFS (A Few of My Favourite Sneakers) badge series 1 – a collaboration between sneaker blog Art & Sole, Stereohype and FL@33. More info at
November 8th, 2013 — FL@33's design initiative B.I.O. (by invitation only) button badge series is in its 13th round now. FL@33's sister company Stereohype released 48 additional design gems. FL@33's contribution is System Error rebooted – an extended re-issue of ultra-rare BBP set. More info at
September 6th, 2013 — The extended deadline to submit artworks to Stereohype's 9th annual button badge design competition is Sunday night, 29 September. FL@33 will as always be part of the jury panel. Good luck! More info at
April 30th, 2013 — Just released: Stereohype & Art & Sole give you 48 AFOMFS (A Few Of My Favourite Sneakers) button badge gems and a FL@33-designed packaging with custom shoelace.
November 7th, 2012 — Our contributor copy just in. FL@33-designed logos featured in latest Laurence King Publishing publication by Michael Evamy. Following the author's earlier book called Logo that featured six FL@33-designed logos (, Stereohype, FL@33,, Toi Com Moi and Matelsom) he now selected for his book Logotype four more recent FL@33-designed logos developed for Weeks & Cowling, Arts Affaires, MMM-Festival and Penrhyn Books. We posted snapshots of Logotype here and also on FL@33's Facebook page.