Design Teaching: ECV Lille, design residency 2016 – FL@33 workshop and lecture, Tomi Vollauschek, co-founder of FL@33 and Stereohype, was visiting lecturer at École de Communication Visuelle (ECV Lille) / School of Visual Communication – involving a 4-day workshop and evening lecture on April 13th, about the design studio's and graphic art label's work. ECV Nord Europe, Lille, France, 12–15 April 2016
Kindly invited by FL@33 collaborator Sébastien Delobel of design studio Atelier télescopique, who also teaches Typography at the college – FL@33's Tomi Vollauschek was designer in residence at ECV Lille's Visual Communication department. Apart from the workshop Tomi also gave an evening lecture on FL@33's work and the studio's activities for their graphic art label Stereohype.
___ The workshop was entitled Everyday Observation and the Power of Three.
Workshop title: Everyday Observation and the Power of Three. Aim: Contrary to a previous FL@33 workshop brief this assignment was developed to be particularly free and risky. It was only a beginning as opposed to working towards a glossy and and somewhat 'safe' presentation at the end of the workshop. Instead, it was about encouraging process, experimentation and embracing failure. The workshop aimed to help students find a voice and add more personality and emotion to their work as graphic designers and visual communicators.
___ This 4-day experience encouraged the students to create and most importantly continue to create their own self-initiated projects – even after their graduation and into their professional lives.
___ Some students took the opportunity to continue to develop ideas, work on footage and collections that were already started, while others were helped to develop starting points and ideas that were close to their heart. Participating students: Tiphaine Nihouarn, Antoine Veronneau, Antoine Doublet, Hanggi Merwanto, Egon Swaels, Clémentine Le Gall, Claire Hovine, Antonin Breton, Sophie Dufour, Marine Bravo, Laure-Anaïs Michelot, François Devambez, Edouard Spriet and Morgane Lambert.
FL@33 Workshop: ECV Lille, 12–15 April 2016. Workshop theme: Everyday Observation and the Power of Three
___ Head / Heart / Hand: Agathe and I studied at the Royal College of Art (RCA) in London. During our studies we first heard Jon Wozencroft mention the Power of Three guideline in a private conversation before one of his Sound Seminars we used to have there every week. This Power of Three was to become – not a rule or a philosophy – but a guideline how FL@33 has been trying since to operate and produce projects. The idea behind the Power of Three is that head, heart and hand – intellect, emotion and skills – are present in equal measures. It was only years later that we learned that the original quote was by Professor Richard Guyatt (1914–2007) who was a British designer, academic and rector at the RCA between 1978 and 1981. Guyatt's timeless vision was that every graphic designer should have a balance of head, heart and hand in his/her work as thematic starting points. If there is only one thing you take with you from this workshop please let it be this guideline – it's amazing!
___ This workshop is encouraging you to add personality and emotion to your hopefully already skillful and thoughtful work as graphic designers and visual communicators. It also encourages you to create or continue to create your own self-initiated projects – even after your graduation.
___ Please turn an everyday observation of your choice into an appealing presentation while keeping the Power of Three in mind. This can be tackled by using illustration, photography, typography, video, animation, interaction, 2D or 3D installation, sound, collage, data visualisation and/or any combination of these.
___ In terms of medium – please find the most appropriate means to present your idea(s) (2D, 3D and/or 4D).
___ Very important: please do document your process, keep your sketches, take snapshots of intermediate work in progress moments. Ask fellow students to take pictures of you with your hands dirty. Document! Sometimes the documentation turns out more intriguing than the final outcome.
___ A few of the many varyingly complex FL@33 examples of mundane observations and objects that turned into the stars of a project:
Trans-form (many different observations of tower cranes)
8min 20sec (observation, technique, set of rules that can be applied to different footage).
Bzzzpeek.com (currently still requires Flash plugin – new version hopefully in the near future...)
Picture hook faces
Singing Pasta
Chinface animation
#Sky and U-turns
Pictures of the talk are by Anne-Marie Porreca.