
design studio for
visual communication
and beyond

Librarie La Hune | Shop-window

Environments | 3D, FL@33 projects, Illustration, Installations | Exhibits, Print, Typography, Architecture | Interiors, Culture | Arts, Publishing, Retail

Custom Rubber Floor Design

Customisation, Environments | 3D, FL@33 projects, Illustration, Installations | Exhibits, Interior design, Architecture | Interiors, Culture | Arts

Weeks & Cowling | Business Card

Logos | Identities, Print, Typography, Architecture | Interiors

Architecture Series | Covers

Covers | Jackets, Illustration, Logos | Identities, Print, Typography, Architecture | Interiors, Culture | Arts, Publishing

Weeks & Cowling | Website (v.2)

Logos | Identities, Screen, Typography, Websites | Digital, Architecture | Interiors

Weeks & Cowling | Stationery

Illustration, Print, Typography, Architecture | Interiors

Stereohype – A Decade | Exhibition — Curation And Design

Campaigns, Environments | 3D, FL@33 projects, Graphic art, Installations | Exhibits, Logos | Identities, Print, Typography, Architecture | Interiors, Culture | Arts, Fashion, Publishing, Retail

Mural | Illustration

Environments | 3D, FL@33 projects, Illustration, Interior design, T-shirts | Clothing, Architecture | Interiors, Culture | Arts, Fashion, Publishing

Solo Exhibition | Frankfurt

Environments | 3D, FL@33 projects, Illustration, Installations | Exhibits, Photography, Posters | Postcards, Print, Typography, Architecture | Interiors, Culture | Arts, Publishing

Weeks & Cowling | Website (v.1)

Websites | Digital, Architecture | Interiors

Stereohype | Button Badge Motif Prints (STBBMP) | Concept generation, Identity, Designs

Customisation, FL@33 projects, Graphic art, Interior design, Logos | Identities, Print, Products, Architecture | Interiors, Culture | Arts, Publishing, Retail

Weeks & Cowling | Logo

Logos | Identities, Moving image, Print, Screen, Typography, Architecture | Interiors


FL@33 projects, Screen, Websites | Digital, Architecture | Interiors, Culture | Arts, Publishing

Trans-it CD-Rom

FL@33 projects, Illustration, Installations | Exhibits, Moving image, Products, Screen, Websites | Digital, Architecture | Interiors, Culture | Arts, Retail

Weeks & Cowling | Logo Animation

Logos | Identities, Moving image, Screen, Typography, Architecture | Interiors

Trans-form Magazine

Covers | Jackets, FL@33 projects, Illustration, Installations | Exhibits, Photography, Print, Products, Typography, Architecture | Interiors, Culture | Arts, Music | Sound, Publishing, Retail

FL@33 Postcard #1 | Tower Crane Typeface

FL@33 projects, Illustration, Photography, Posters | Postcards, Print, Typography, Architecture | Interiors, Culture | Arts

AJ Monogram | Logo

FL@33 projects, Logos | Identities, Print, Typography, Architecture | Interiors, Culture | Arts, Publishing, Retail

Trans-form | Cityscape Insects (Prints)

FL@33 projects, Graphic art, Illustration, Installations | Exhibits, Photography, Posters | Postcards, Print, Products, Architecture | Interiors, Culture | Arts, Publishing, Retail

transparent for Imageloading