When we set up FL@33 in July 2001 we did not have a logo for the studio. Instead we thought it's best to show our versatility and creativity by having different typefaces and custom lettering for different times and occasions. And so it started with our Ascii letterhead and envelope, followed by an animated version using our Unfolded typeface – shown here.
___ Then we had this actual photo-based visual – called Street Typeface 33 –until we had a change of heart when we developed our FL@33 logo in 2004 that we have been using ever since.
Created with FL@33's New Year's Kit 2002 in mind – this animated logo is featuring the animated, acoustic typeface Unfolded developed by FL@33's Tomi Vollauschek.
___ We also created a print version of the Unfolded FL@33 logo that we used for stickers we added to our New Year's wishes sent to clients, friends and collaborators.
Categories: FL@33 projects, Logos | Identities, Moving image, Print, Screen, Typography
Sectors: Culture | Arts, Music | Sound