FL@33's Tomi Vollauschek collaborates with the start-up Equity on all key aspects of visual communication for its evolving identity system. Tomi also contributes to the design and product development of their educational board game. To date, we have created a bespoke logotype, a logo animation, and the latest iterations of the board game prototype #5 designs.
The board game's many prototypes are currently in very advanced stages of playtesting and fine-tuning, and Equity's international teams continue to push the project further with each step.
___ After a successful proof of concept, the educational board game quickly evolved into an extremely well-received enterprise: an educational tool with playful events and workshops for companies, corporations, schools, and universities alike. Pending further investment for this promising next stage, Equity is currently being prepared for the next phase with its new tagline 'Fostering Responsible Finance' on its banner.
___ Depending on final manufacturing budgets and print runs, some final design decisions can only be made once it becomes clear how bespoke each circular board game centre (so-called phases) will be. For instance, is it a one-off per company presentation/workshop, a college-wide edition or a much more universal design with bespoke add-ons? For now, the graphic design of prototype #5 versions has assisted in developing and fine-tuning the project further.
___ As long as playtesting continues, it can be expected that the board game design will still be modified and adapted to potentially new gaming aspects to improve the playing experience. We will update this page accordingly.
The official – slightly edited Equity synopsis:
___ Fusing pedagogy, realism and gameplay to promote financial literacy founded on environmental and social responsibility.
___ Equity has the mission to make responsible financial literacy more inclusive and accessible. The Equity team is developing a pedagogical board game through which players discover the power of financial markets by competing to build the most profitable and responsible investment portfolios. The board game encourages our values of social and environmental responsibility as a framework for investing and managing money.
___ The board game's idea was inspired by Bourse: Le Jeu de la Finance, a Serious Game produced in 1976 by Editions Fenwick and developed by French academic and economist Bertrand Jacquillat. Discovering Bourse let the Equity co-founders to consider the importance of gameplay in education, setting off the journey towards equity.
Categories: Logos | Identities, Print, Typography
Sectors: Education, Others, Publishing, Retail