Design Teaching: ECV Aix-en-Provence, design residency 2024 – FL@33 masterclass workshop, Tomi Vollauschek, co-founder of FL@33 and Stereohype, was once again visiting lecturer in Aix at ECV France – École de Création Visuelle – as part of a 4-day design residency with typography workshop. ECV Aix-en-Provence, France, 28–31 October 2024
Kindly reinvited in 2024 by Marie Fiévet-Issermann – FL@33's Tomi Vollauschek was designer in residence and ran a typography and editorial design masterclass workshop at ECV Aix's Visual Communication department.
___ Previously, Tomi's involvement with the Aix-en-Provence branch of ECV France included being part of international ECV diploma jury 2020 there. Tomi also ran his first masterclass workshop in Aix in 2023 – his popular Personal Projects and the Power of Three – and in the same year returned to AIx to also preside the international master jury panel 2023/2024.
___ Due to Friday, November 1st, 2024, being a bank holiday in France, this was a 4-day residency instead of the usual and preferable 5-day long workshop. This latest masterclass was very different from Tomi's tested and proven workshops, however. This was another first – specially developed for the occasion.
___ Micro to Macro – A Comprehensive Typography Masterclass provided an overall successful editorial design and typography crash course for some and an in-depth refresher for others. It was a new group of students who had recently come together for the two-year Master's ECV course; they came from different schools and had varying specialisations, knowledge, and skill bases.
___ A steep learning curve for students and teacher alike. Tomi went with the flow, fine-tuned, and adjusted to squeeze in as much theory and practice as possible in just four days – a whirlwind of presentations, tutorials, exercises, poster and book designs.
Tomi Vollauschek developed the Editorial Design and Typography module, From Micro to Macro—A Comprehensive Typography Masterclass, with complete trust and freedom from ECV.
Workshop title: From Micro to Macro – A Comprehensive Typography Masterclass. Aim: This masterclass provides a comprehensive journey through typography, from the minutiae of letterforms to the broader aspects of page layout and book design. The structure balances theory and practice, progressing from micro-typographic exercises inspired by Swiss Style to macro-typographic challenges in contemporary book design. Students will develop critical skills in both micro-typography (such as kerning, tracking, contrast, and precise character adjustments) and macro-typography (including grid systems, page layout, and overall visual hierarchy).
___ By applying principles from historical movements to modern design contexts, participants will gain a holistic understanding of typography's role in effective visual communication.
___ The workshop's hands-on approach ensures that students not only learn typographic principles but also apply them practically, culminating in a final project that showcases their ability to harmonise a grids system and micro and macro typographic elements in a cohesive design.
___ Participating students: M1 D.A. / D.G. | Marie Batret, Marie-Alice Berthe, Arthur Caporali, Océane Chevalier, Lucas Darmon, Sofiane De Sousa, Sabrina El Akari, Salomé Ferrari, Vanessa Forster, Mathilde Geel, Lilou Genetier, Iris Hutin, Caroline James, Cloé Jauffret, Emma Lhomme, Mia Minns, Elyssia Nicolas, Eliaz Perraud, Jordan Philémont, Lisa Reynaud, Amandine Texier, Anaïs Teyssier and Dior Thiaw.
Tomi Vollauschek (FL@33 / Stereohype) Workshop | ECV Aix – Year 4 / Master 1 (Design & Art DIrection, Alternance)
From Micro to Macro – A Comprehensive Typography Masterclass
970 avenue Pierre Brossolette, Nairobi
28–31 October 2024
Monday–Thursday, 9:30–13:00 / 14:00–17:30
I would be happy to stay until 18:30 on Monday to make sure all students get to talk to me about their work and and concerns, and get encouraging and personal pointers and suggestions from me.
31 October 2024
Thursday: workshop exhibition and presentation of all projects.
Presentations start at approximately 14:30.
3–5min presentation per student.
30 October 2024
Wednesday, 17:30–18:30
If you are interested, please do let Tomi know on the day BEFORE 17:00. A chance to discuss your and/or our work and/or life after college. I suggested offering you the opportunity to discuss students’ work and/or our studio work, application do’s and don’ts and/or life after college. We only have approximately one hour for this, however – if you are interested. Please do try to organise as a group and prepare your questions and presentations accordingly.
From Micro to Macro – A Comprehensive Typography Masterclass
This masterclass provides a comprehensive journey through typography, from the minutiae of letterforms to the broader aspects of page layout and book design. The structure balances theory and practice, progressing from micro-typographic exercises inspired by Swiss Style to macro-typographic challenges in contemporary book design. Students will develop critical skills in both micro-typography (such as kerning, tracking, contrast, and precise character adjustments) and macro-typography (including grid systems, page layout, and overall visual hierarchy).
___ By applying principles from historical movements to modern design contexts, participants will gain a holistic understanding of typography's role in effective visual communication.
___ The workshop's hands-on approach ensures that students not only learn typographic principles but also apply them practically, culminating in a final project that showcases their ability to harmonise a grids system and micro and macro typographic elements in a cohesive design.
Exercise: Design a minimal Swiss Style-inspired black and white typographic mini-poster (content: song lyrics and song data). Optional songs provided (see Extra Info).
Main Brief: Develop a page grid system and design the first 5–15 pages of a French novel (1 single, 2–7 double-page spreads). Footnotes will be added as extra challenge. Optional novels provided (see Extra Info).
Extra Add-on:
Time allowing we will also create a typographic book cover
All is to be fine-tuned and ready for a Thursday afternoon presentation and exhibition.
"Don't let yourself be governed by the grid, govern the grid." | « Ne te laisse pas contrôler par la grille, contrôle la grille » — Massimo Vignelli, Italian Designer 1931–2014
DAY 1 ASSIGNMENT – Tomi Vollauschek WORKSHOP | Swiss Style and Minimalism / Introduction to Book Design
— Morning: Swiss Style and Minimalism
— Introduction to the workshop
— Crash course: Futurism, Dada, Bauhaus, and Swiss Style
— Focus on Modernism, Minimalism, Grids and Layouts, Jan Tschichold, Josef-Müller Brockmann
— Discussion of Golden Ratio and Fibonacci Sequence
— Brief 1: An exercise. | Swiss-Style Inspired Typographic Composition
— Teams of 2–3
— Content: Complete song lyrics (min. 50 words), song length, performer(s), title, release year
— Choice of provided song lyrics or self-selected
— 1 identical song per team
— 1 Design per person (all designs within each team should be VERY different)
— Black and white only, no photos
— A4 portrait, single sans-serif typeface (Helvetica, Frutiger, or Avenir)
— 2 sizes, 2 weights maximum
— 1 hour for initial designs, followed by discussion and refinement
— Afternoon: Introduction to Book Design
— Finish and refine Swiss Style compositions
— Introduction to main workshop brief: Novel spread design
— Explanation of book design principles: format, typeface selection, pairing, sizing, kerning, tracking, pagination
— Discussion on justified vs. ragged text, orphans and widows, contrast, white space
— Brief 2 (introduced on day 1 for novel text selection): Design the first 5–15 pages of a French novel (1 single, 2–7 double-page spreads)
— Same teams of 3
— To be able to start first thing in the morning: Choice of provided texts or self-selected French novel
DAY 2 ASSIGNMENT – Tomi Vollauschek WORKSHOP | Grid Systems and Typography
— Brief 2 continued: Design the first 5–15 pages of a French novel (1 single, 2–7 double-page spreads)
— Develop grid systems for double-page book spreads
— Incorporate footnotes into spread designs
— Conduct type tests and make typographic choices
— Begin designing book pages
— Experiment with your layout compositions, contrast contrast contrast and the all importants white space
— Introduction to multi-column layouts for back cover 'blurb' text
— French typographic oddities compared to international typography
DAY 3 ASSIGNMENT – Tomi Vollauschek WORKSHOP | Refinement and Optional Cover Design
— Continue refining book spreads
— If time allows, create typographic front cover designs
— Begin printing for Thursday's presentation and exhibition
DAY 4 ASSIGNMENT – Tomi Vollauschek WORKSHOP | Final Preparations and Exhibition
— Complete all designs
— Finish printing
— Set up exhibition
— Final presentations
I will bring a small range of Swiss Style and modernist book designs and typography books with me for reference throughout the workshop. Mise en page(s), etc. Manuel, Lexique des Règles typographiques, Grid Systems by Josef-Müller Brockmann, Flexible Visual Systems by Martin Lorenz, to name but a few...
___ Extra tutoring / mini-lectures for students will be incorporated throughout the course.
___ Guidelines will be given throughout for the design of grid systems to ensure consistency across projects.
___ Mini-lectures on specific topics (e.g., readability, font vs size choices, kerning techniques, footnote design) throughout Days 2 and 3.
Additional short critique sessions at the end of each day to provide feedback and guide improvements.
___ Day 1–3: I will try to add a few brief reflection components where students discuss their design choices and learning experiences.
___ Proposed book texts that will be provided to students: Albert Camus' L'Étranger and the more contemporary L'élégance du hérisson by Muriel Barbery. Groups can either use one of these or select their own.
Proposed song lyrics that will be provided to students:
Random selection od suitable contenders: Love Will Tear Us Apart by Joy Division, Nightswimming by R.E.M., Where is My Mind by Pixies, Petit Pays by Cesária Évora and a difficult challenge with looooong lyrics: Calm Down by Rema (with Selena Gomez)
Please ensure to address below points in your presentation.
— What was your starting point?
— Explain your process and how you challenged yourself?
— What was the most frustrating aspect of your project and what was the most satisfying one?
— Were there any ‘happy accidents’?
— Please comment on the achieved balance of the Power of Three..
DESIGN BOOK RECOMMENDATIONS (I will bring some of my English and French reference copies – and French copies of the novels of course)
ESSENTIALS: Graphic Design / Typography
Pioneer of Swiss Graphic Design,
Josef Müller-Brockmann
Typographie / Typography,
Emil Ruder
Mise en page (s), etc. Fondamentaux, éléments de base, principes de grille, supports, études de cas
Damien Gautier / Claire Gauthier
Lexique des règles typographiques en usage à l'Imprimerie nationale
Le Détail en typographie: La lettre, l'interlettrage, le mot, l'espacement, la ligne, l'interlignage, la colonne /
Detail in Typography: Letters, Letterspacing, Words, Wordspacing, Lines, Linespacing, Columns
Jost Hochuli
Adrian Frutiger Typefaces. The Complete Works.
Heidrun Osterer, Philipp Stamm
Der Geist der Farbe – Karl Gerstner und Seine Kunst,
The Graphic Language of Neville Brody 1
Jon Wozencroft, Neville Brody, 1988
The Graphic Language of Neville Brody 2
Jon Wozencroft, Neville Brody, 1994
The Graphic Language of Neville Brody 3,
Brody & team, 2023
Designed By Peter Saville
Love Song
Saul Bass
Laurence King Publishing
The End of Print
David Carson
Typography Now
Booth Clibborn
ESSENTIALS: Grids and Flexible Visual Systems, Information Design
Grid Systems,
Josef Müller-Brockmann
Flexible Visual Systems – The Design Manual for Contemporary Visual Identities,
Martin Lorenz
Mise En Page Etc
The Visual Display of Quantitative Information,
Edward Tufte
The Information Capital
Information Graphics
Geometry Makes Me Happy,
Index Book, various
Grids – Creative Solutions for Graphic Designers,
RotoVision / contributors
Golden Meaning
The Layout Book
Laurence King Publishing
+ PDF articles:
The Rule of Thirds and Filmmaking
ESSENTIALS: Think Globally (Act Locally)
The Politics of Design – A (Not So) Global Manual for Visual Communication,
Ruben Pater et al
ESSENTIALS: Food for thoughts
The Extreme Self,
Shumon Basar, Douglas Coupland, Hans Ulrich Obrist
Popular Lies* About Graphic Design,
Craig Ward
A Smile in the mind – Witty thinking in Graphic Design,
Beryl McAlhone & David Stuart
The Art of Looking Sideways,
Alan Fletcher
How to be a Graphic Designer Without Losing Your Soul,
Adrian Shaugnessy
MORE: Typography
The Visual History of Type,
Paul McNeil
About Face – Reviving the Rules of Typography,
David Jury
Exploring Typography, An In-Depth Guide to the Art & techniques of Contemporary Typography,
Tova Rabinowitz
The 3D Type Book,
FL@33 (Yours truly)
Lettering & Type,
Bruce Willen, Nolen Strals
Shape Grammars,
Janina Maroscheck
More: Graphic Designer Monographs and Showcase Books
Rational Simplicity – Rudolph de Harak Graphic Designer,
Richard Poulin
TD 63–73, Total Design and its Pioneering Role in Graphic Design,
Ben Bos
Lance Wyman: The Monograph,
Adrian Shaugnessy, Tony Brook
The Graphic Language of Neville Brody 3,
Brody & team
The Art of Work,
Milton Glaser
Designed By,
Peter Saville
V.O. Archive,
Vaughan Oliver
Lubalin – Herb Lubalin, American Graphic Designer 1918–81,
Adrian Shaugnessy
Ladislav Sutnar, Prague, New York, Design in Action,
Museum of Decorative Arts, Prague
Restart – New Systems in Graphic Design,
Christian Küsters & Emily King
(Andreas Uebele) Material – Monograph Volume 3, 2003 – 2016,
Andreas Uebele
Graphics Alive,
Victionary, various
Shown here are a few selected session screenshots and work samples that were kindly provided by ECV students courtesy of ECV Aix.